Happiness Family Farm is a Black Immigrant-owned farm in Portland, Oregon.

Their mission is to bring Happiness to their community and celebrate their Burundian culture by providing fresh, organic family-grown produce.


I was hired by The Beauty Shop through the Visible Alliance program to do the visual identity creation:
Logo, Color, Typography, Style Guide, Website Design, Original Artwork, and Marketing.


  • Design a strong visual identity that represents the Burundian African culture and the

family’s mission in a more elevated form, without using literal imagery since this is

their main brand differentiator.

  • Make a variety of compatible graphic elements that will allow the client to create deliverables

like totes, t-shirts, etc. This will accomplish two things: it can create a source of

residual income while promoting brand exposure.

  • Having a robust branding system will also help the client expand their brand while

also promoting their mission; like education for example. HFF can partner with local

schools in the future, offer field trips to the farm. etc.